
Mac app for uploading to aws
Mac app for uploading to aws

mac app for uploading to aws
  1. Mac app for uploading to aws install#
  2. Mac app for uploading to aws mac#

Amazon’s EC2 Mac instances allow you to avoid purchasing macOS hardware to be set up in your team’s datacenter.

mac app for uploading to aws

This is why we recommend hosting your macOS hardware with AWS EC2 Mac instances. Using the GitHub action or Buildkite plugin to achieve ephemeral on-demand single-use macOS VMs for your building and testing works great, but can still leave a bit of burden around maintaining on-premise macOS hardware.

mac app for uploading to aws

With both Buildkite and Github managing the registered runners, you don’t need the Anka Build Cloud Controller for orchestration and only need to set up the Cloud Registry to store your templates and tags.

Mac app for uploading to aws install#

The self-hosted Github Action Runner you install onto your Apple hardware will register with your repo or organization as self-hosted and macos and allow Github Actions to schedule jobs on it when necessary. You can expect a similar step definition to Buildkite using our Anka VM action: runs-on: Īnka-vm-template-name: "macos-base-10.14" Similar to buildkite, Github Actions has a YAML file you define actions (vs the buildkite plugins) in. Let’s first chat about one of our new favorites on the CI/CD playground, Github Actions. This allows me to prepare an Anka VM using a prepared macos-base-10.14 “Anka VM Template” containing all of the specific dependencies and state I need, on my Mac Mini, and then execute make test inside of it, all isolated from the host. For example, I can install and register the Buildkite agent to the mac-anka-large-node-fleet queue and also install the Anka Virtualization package onto my Mac Mini, then define the Anka Buildkite Plugin in my repo’s pipeline.yml file like so: steps:Īgents: "queue=mac-anka-large-node-fleet" They provide an agent to install on your machines which then executes different plugins to prepare your environment for the job commands. Buildkite has many great features and handles the management of your self-hosted agent pools. Here at Veertu we have a long history with Buildkite and love YAML configured build, test, and deployment automation. In this blog, we’re going to walk you through how you can automate the creation of single-use macOS VMs for iOS CI with AWS EC2 Mac and Github Actions or Buildkite.

Mac app for uploading to aws